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metagreen. Live a better future today.
Foto der Erde aus dem Weltraum
What is Metagreen?

metagreen is the ALUMERO Group's sustainability concept.

Our contribution to achieving climate goals
To preserve our livelihoods
We take responsibility for
future generations
metagreen • Live a better future today. •
metagreen • Live a better future today. •
metagreen • Live a better future today.
Ecologically, economically and socially

Economic growth opportunities, ecological aspects and social justice represent the 3 dimensions of sustainability and are firmly anchored in metagreen.

Bergsteiger balanciert auf schroffem Gipfel vor atemberaubender Bergkulisse
metagreen at a glance

ALUMERO assumes responsibility and is committed to acting sustainably to preserve our living space, in particular for our next generations. With the metagreen sustainability concept, we are taking targeted concrete measures. For us and our environment.


With our innovative products, such as the ALUMERO PV fence system, the solarfold mobile solar container or our special designs for cycle paths and walkways, we are setting new standards in the use of renewable energy. Our experts are constantly developing and designing to create concrete solutions for current and future challenges.


With our new Competence Center/Concept Store, which will open in mid-2022, employees and experts will be trained to anchor metagreen awareness and live it in practice.


metagreen is already being lived in our plants today. Regardless of whether it's LED lighting throughout production, e-vehicles or the construction of PV systems. The goal for the future is clear: completely autonomous production of our entire plants and the efficient and stringent implementation of metagreen milestones.


We use aluminum scrap and extract new aluminum from it. With an average share of 80% recycled material, we can guarantee the lowest CO₂ emissions with metagreen alloys without sacrificing quality.

secondary aluminum


We promote startups and invest in companies that help us support and promote our vision of a sustainable environment. Sunify, the digital photovoltaic platform, is just one example of an innovative company in the renewable energy sector.


Our code of conduct guarantees that all employees in the ALUMERO Group pull together. True to our corporate claim “Sustainable Solar Solutions”, we merge ecology, economy and social issues into a single whole in order to preserve our nature as a central center of life.


In order to be able to guarantee our ambitious plans for the future, we are consciously challenging ourselves and want to set an example. We define concrete measures to achieve our metagreen milestones and are constantly developing our sustainability concept.


With our innovative products, such as the ALUMERO carport, the solarfold mobile solar container or our special designs for cycle paths and sidewalks, we are setting new standards in the use of renewable energy.
Our experts are constantly developing and designing to create concrete solutions for current and future challenges.

Alumero metagreen products at special rates for private use.
Further investments in start-ups that are taking this path with us.
Innovation and disruption for renewable energy generation.

80% of all aluminum consumption is made from recycled aluminum.
50% of the entire group's own electricity supply with renewable energy.
70% e-mobility.

In addition, the energy class should be taken into account when investing in devices in the future.

100% of all aluminum consumption is made from recycled aluminum.
Maximum self-supply of renewable energy for the entire group.
100% e-mobility.

Increasing awareness of climate protection among employees is being further promoted.


We have already implemented a variety of products, companies and solutions and are constantly working to expand this list.

Secondary aluminum

Compared to primary metals, recycled aluminum enables us to reduce energy consumption by up to 95% and CO₂ emissions by up to 80%.

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Regardless of whether you need assistance with planning or installing your photovoltaic system, want to plan it yourself or work as a service provider: Sunify is the matchmaking platform for your solar project.

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ALUMERO Smart PV Carport

Parking space doesn't have to remain wasted space. With the ALUMERO Smart PV Carport, you benefit in an environmentally friendly way from areas that otherwise only generate costs.

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solarfold - mobile solar container

The innovative and mobile solar container contains 196 photovoltaic modules with a maximum nominal output of 130 kWp, is quick to set up and generates clean electricity where you need it.

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