
easyLIGHT East/West 10°

Your big plus

25 years
guarantees the best
  • Wind tunnel tested
  • Quick and easy assembly thanks to pre-assembled components
  • Low transport costs
  • Optimal module ventilation
  • There is water drainage on all sides
  • Aluminum/stainless steel main structure
  • No roof penetration required
  • Module clamps with integrated earthing pins
  • Lightweight and resilient
  • TÜV certified according to UL 2703


Aerodynamic mounting system for mounting framed PV modules on flat roofs.
Area of application
On foil and bitumen roofs with and without thermal insulation under the seal as well as concrete and gravel roofs and green roofs on request
roof slope
Up to 5° possible without roof anchors, above 5° only with roof anchors
Min. sheet thickness
High bead trapezoidal sheet
High bead spacing
Distance from the ground
Approx. 60 mm, possibly less on a gravel roof
Distance from roof edge
1,200 mm (smaller edge distances on request), roof areas F and G in accordance with EN 1991-1-4 can be occupied.
Module orientation
Module dimensions
950 — 1,150 mm × 1,500 — 2,250 mm (width × length)
Installation angle
10°, on both sides
Row spacing
AC 2.1 S 10+ flat roof (8-18° internal shading angle): 464 mm, flat roof AC 2.1 S 10+ (10° internal shading angle): 297 mm
Max. terrain slope
Min. & max. field size
Min. 1 double row per 2 modules, max. 12 × 8 double rows, 192 modules or 20 × 20 m
Max. building height
25 m (adaptation to higher buildings on request)
Max. snow/wind load
Suction load up to 2.4 kN/m2, flat roof pressure load AC 2.1 S 10+ standard up to 2.4 kN/m2, flat roof pressure load AC 2.1 S 10+ alpine up to 4.4 kN/m2
roof condition
Software-based on wind tunnel tests
Construction requirements
An adequate static load capacity of the roof structure and the building structure as well as an adequate pressure load capacity of the roof structure must be ensured on site. The general business and warranty conditions as well as the user agreement apply.
Module approval
The module approval must be obtained from the module manufacturer or from the corresponding data sheet.
Module clamps with grounding pin, flat roof bracket, wind deflectors, ballast stones, ballast pans, roof anchors

Technical drawings

easyLIGHT E/W 10 – 297 mm
easyLIGHT E/W 10 – 464 mm


Das ALUMERO AC 2.1 S10+ Flachdachsystem und seine Komponenten
You can find all components of the system in the assembly instructions:
Das ALUMERO AC 2.1 S15 Flachdachsystem und seine Komponenten
You can find all components of the system in the assembly instructions:
Das ALUMERO AC 2.1 S10 Flachdachsystem und seine Komponenten
You can find all components of the system in the assembly instructions:
Das ALUMERO AC 2.1 S5 Flachdachsystem und seine Komponenten
You can find all components of the system in the assembly instructions:
Das ALUMERO AC G+ Freilandsystem und seine Komponenten
You can find all components of the system in the assembly instructions:



Keine optionalen Komponenten zu diesem System.


Kein Zubehör zu diesem System.

ALUMERO solar.pro.tool

Das ALUMERO solar.pro.tool hilft bei der Planung von PV-Anlagen

Project planning in just 8 steps

master data
roof data
roof capture
PV modules
CAD plan
list of materials

We give our customers the opportunity to create technical, project-related system designs including static calculation and project reports using ALUMERO solar.pro.tool online software.


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