As a result of lower prices for solar modules, land costs, assembly systems and labor costs account for a higher proportion of system costs. The result is ever tighter buildings; the modules are often oriented horizontally in order to reduce losses due to self-shading. Larger designs with 4 to 6 rows of modules reduce frame costs per module. For this reason, the GMS MAX mounting system was developed. Horizontal and vertical supports on two rows of posts provide the necessary flexibility and use of space. The system meets the highest industry standards, has been tested in a wind tunnel and is calculated and statically optimized on a project-specific basis using our ALUMERO.PRO.TOOL software.
Any module table layout — ALUMERO's PV open space and open space systems can be arranged in any module arrangement.
Quick and easy installation — thanks to pre-assembled components, the systems can be easily installed outdoors, even on difficult terrain.
Long lifespan of our outdoor PV systems thanks to the use of high-quality components made from recycled metagreen aluminum
Aerodynamic east/west system for open spaces with a sensational price advantage of around 30%.