[Translate to EN:] COVID-19


COVID-19 is an issue for everyone

Most important first:

Despite Corona, we are here for you!

We have, of course, taken precautions to ensure this remains the case in the days and weeks ahead. Currently, due to the dynamic development of the situation, reliable predictions regarding other effects of the Corona virus are hard to make. The present circumstances are continually being re-evaluated and pose immense challenges for all areas of work and life, on a personal and economic level. The measures implemented by the Austrian Federal Government  stipulate the necessity of restricting public life to a minimum. However, it is necessary to allow the economy to operate to as great a degree as possible, while adhering to all hygiene rules and safety regulations to minimise the risks of infection.

We believe in the necessity of informing customers and business associates openly and transparently as regards the  measures agreed within the ALUMERO Group. Production, order processing, technical and distribution services are to be organised within the ALUMERO Group in such a way as to be able to maintain operations without any noticeable restrictions for our customers. The transportation of goods has not yet been affected by the current border closures. We guarantee we will be able to continue to deliver our goods on time.
We are working for you - and will carry on doing so.

Stay healthy!


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