[Translate to EN:] Duale Akademie


Kick-start your career at ALUMERO

ALUMERO is one of the first companies to offer the new Dual Academy wholesale sector training model for AHS (A-level) graduates.

What comes after your A-levels? College, university or start a career? These are common questions A-level students ask themselves, and the Dual Academy offers the perfect solution: Qualify as a Wholesale Trade Sector Specialist in just 18 months, earn a starting salary of +/- €1,500 and enjoy all the benefits of an international business!

The comprehensive, multi-section operational study programme combines business theory, a variety of skill training classes, stays abroad and includes a subject-specific apprenticeship qualification and the new, official qualification: 'DA Professional'.

More information about the options and opportunities provided by the Dual Academy can be viewed here and www.wko.at.


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